Sunday, November 14, 2010


i have a nice chat today..
not bad that we actually realize that the fault of having a younger age boyfriend.
why i said so?..

well, my own view..
i realize that i couldn't argue with him...
but have to listen to him.. although u know that is totally CRAP..
hurm.. how to say.. for example.. u wouldn't like to argue with your little brother right?..
it is just like this.. how pathetic..

YES.. it is
that is a lot actually.. now i realize that something very annoying happen in my gang recently..
well.. immature...
such like....
teasing.. yes!
very very very annoying... till the max!
have u ever seen a grown up adult that actually over react like a child?..
talk like a child move like a child..
please la..
may i ask..
how old r u?
funny right?..
have u ever think about that your so called teasing is not funny at all..
well.. selfish i guess..

bla bla bla...
i crap and i crap..
anyway... i'm just too bored..
good to have a blog for me to crap.. v^.^v

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Choice

The choice i made is right...
no turning back..
if not..
the more you regret.. =)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Rhythm

The rhythm is mixing around..

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Piano

The piano plays..
The soft rhythm slowly appears in my mind..
The second world of me enters..
appears in front of the piano..
touches it..

The music that slowly touches my heart..

Slowly makes me weak..
the tears of sorrow..
appears again..

and slowly..

the realistic of me..